this page deals with the influences that were integrated in the Gospel of Thomas

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Look at the agreement in form and theme between the teaching of Jesus and the Tao Te Tsjing of Lao Tse:

2   Jesus said:

Let him he who seeks not stop,  until he finds.
And when he will find he will be troubled,
and if he will be troubled, he will be amazed,
and if he will be amazed, he will be King and he will rest.

16 Push far enough towards the Void, hold fast enough to Quietness, and of the ten thousand things none but can be worked on by you. I have beheld them, whither they go back.
See, all things howsoever they flourish return to the root from which they grew.
This return to the root is called Quietness;
Quietness is called submission to Fate;
What has submitted to Fate has become part of the always so.
To know the always-so is to be illumined; not to know it, means to go blindly to disaster.
He who knows the always-so has room in him for everything;
He who has room in him for everything is without prejudice.
To be without prejudice is to be kingly;
To be kingly is to be of heaven;
To be of heaven is to be in Tao.

Tao is forever and he that possesses it, though his body ceases, is not destroyed.