63   Jesus said: I speak of my mysteries to those worthy of my mysteries. What your right hand will do, let not your left know what it is.

64   Jesus said: There was a wealthy man who had many riches.
He said: I will use my riches so that I may sow and reap and plant, and fill my barns with fruit, so that I do not have need of anything.
These were his thoughts in his mind. And in that night he died.
He who has his ear, let him listen.

65   Jesus said: A man had guests, and when he had prepared the dinner he sent his servant to call the guests.
He went to the first; he said to him: My master calls you.   He said: I have some money for some merchants. They are coming to me this evening. I will go and place orders with them. I beg off the dinner.
He went to another one; he said to him: My master called you.   He said: I have bought a house, and they ask me for a day. I will not have time.
He came to another one; he said to him: My master calls you.   He said to him: My friend is getting married, and I am preparing the dinner. I cannot come. I beg off the dinner.
He went to another one; he said to him: My master calls you.   He said him: I have bought a farm; I am going to collect the rent. I cannot come. I beg off.
The servant came back, and said to his master: Those whom you invited to the dinner have excused themselves.
The master said to his servant: Go outside, to the roads. Those whom you will fall upon, bring them, that they may dine.
The buyers and the merchants shall not go into the places of my father.

66   He said: A man of justice had a vineyard. He gave it to some tenants that they might work it, and he receive its fruit from their hand.
He sent his servant, so that the tenants might give him the fruit of the vineyard. They seized his servant, they beat him, a little more and they would have killed him.
The servant went and spoke to his master.
His master said: Perhaps he did not know them. He sent another servant; the tenants beat the other also.
Then the master sent his son. He said: Perhaps they will ashamed in front of my son. The tenants there, knowing he was the heir the vineyard, they seized him and killed him.
He who has an ear, let him listen.

67  Jesus said: Show me the stone that the builders rejected; it is the corner-stone.

68   Jesus said: He who knows the all, if he is in need of himself, he is in need of the all.

69   Jesus said: You are blessed, when they should hate you and persecute you. And they will not find the place where they persecuted you.

70   Jesus said: Blessed are the ones that they have persecuted in their mind; those have truly known the father. Blessed ones, those who are hungry; he who desires his belly will be satisfied.

71   Jesus said: When you should beget in yourselves that what you have, it will save you. That what you do not have in you, it will kill you.

72   Jesus said: I will destroy this house, and no one can build it [again].

73   [A man said] to him: Speak to my brothers, so that they may share the possessions of my father with me.   He said to him: O man, who has made me an executor? He turned to his disciples. He said to them: Truly, am I an executor?

74   Jesus said: The harvest indeed is great, the workers, however, few. But ask the master, that he send out workers to the harvest.

75   He said: Master, there are many standing around the well, but no one in the well.

76   Jesus said: There are many standing at the door, but the single ones are those who will go into the place of marriage.

77   Jesus said: The kingdom of the father, it is like a trader who had a load. He fell upon a pearl. The trader there, was a wise one. He sold the load, and bought for himself that one single pearl. You yourselves, also seek after his treasure that does not perish but endures, the place where no moth comes near to eat, and no worms destroy.

78   Jesus said: I am the light that is upon all of them. I am the all. The All has come out of me, and the all has generated me. Cleave a piece of wood: I am there. Lift up a stone, and you will find me there.

79   Jesus said: Why did you come out to the field? To look at a reed moving by the wind? And to look at a man clothed in soft garments, like your kings and your powerful ones? They are clothed in soft garments, and they are unable to know the truth.

80   A woman in the crowd said to him: Blessed the belly that bore you, and the breasts that nourished you.   He said to her: Blessed are they who have listened to the word of the father, they have truly kept it. For there will come days when you will say: Blessed is that belly that has not conceived, and those breasts that did not give milk.